This one is easy... Not? Well, all you have to do is create a tagline for Malaysian Babywearers in less than 15 words.
Entry 1
...the way to go!
Entry 2
MBW, giving your both hands free
Entry 3
Wear your baby with a smile, coz they are only little for a while
Entry 4
Close to Mommy's heart, wrapped in Mommy's love
Entry 5
Hop in, Hold on and Bond on the Go!
Entry 6
Born to be worn
Entry 7
Cuddle your baby in the most natural way
Entry 8
Keep your baby close to your heart
Entry 9
Babywearing is something that is so wonderful, so precious, so dear
Entry 10
Babywearing is keeping the family closer together
Entry 11
Keeping babies close and mothers happy
Entry 12
Wear your future, keep them closer!
Entry 13
Making Malaysians happy one baby at a time.
Entry 14
When babies are born, they're meant to be worn